Reports for everyone!
If you look in the top menu in Hrvey, you might notice there’s a new page you can navigate to - Reports. Instead of squeezing reports... »
If you look in the top menu in Hrvey, you might notice there’s a new page you can navigate to - Reports. Instead of squeezing reports... »
We’ve changed how schedules work in Hrvey - going forward, whenever you change a schedule for an office or employee, you’ll be asked to specify when... »
It’s now possible for admins to designate days where it should not be possible to book time off. We call these “mandatory work days”, though they... »
The most requested feature in Hrvey is to be able to track leave in hours instead of half days. So it’s our great pleasure to announce... »
This article shows you how a feature matrix can be a valuable analysis tool for software entrepreneurs. Most people first encounter feature matrices as tables on... »