Setting Weekly Schedules

This guide tells you how to configure the weekly work schedule for your employees. When users request time off, Hrvey only counts the time that is outside of their normal work schedule - so e.g. weekend days are not counted. Note that custom schedules are a Premium feature - on the free tier, all employees use the default schedule of Mon-Fri.

It’s also possible to specify working hours (needed to enable hourly booking)

Set the default schedule for an office

To set the default weekly schedule for an office, find the office on the Offices page and click ‘Configure’.

A bit down the page you should see a panel with checkboxes for each half day of the week. This is the default schedule for all employees who work at this office. Click the Edit button in the corner to modify this default schedule.

Edit Office Schedule

Once you’re done editing it, click the Save button in the top right corner of the panel. You’ll be asked when the new schedule should come into effect - the new schedule will remain in effect indefinitely, or until another schedule change takes place at a later date.

If any leave requests have already been booked in the time period covered by the new schedule, Hrvey will take care of recalculating these based on the new schedule.

If there any previous schedules that the office used before the current one came into effect, there’ll be a left-arrow button at the top to go to this historic schedule.

Override the default schedule for an employee

To override the default schedule from the office for a given employee (e.g. someone working part time), an admin can go to the profile page of that employee by clicking their name in the Employees list. Then, in the righthand side of the page toward the bottom, there is a panel with the weekly schedule for the employee.

Edit Employee Schedule

To override the default schedule from the office, click Edit in the top right of the panel, then uncheck ‘Uses schedule from office?’ and then customize the schedule below as you want it. As always, don’t forget to click ‘Save’ at the top right when you are done.

As was the case with the office, you’ll be asked to select when the schedule change should take effect, and any existing requests affected by the new schedule will automatically be recalculated. And you can use arrow buttons to see historic schedules, if there are any.

Specify working hours

It’s also possible to specify the working hours on each day. There’s a checkbox above the schedule that lets you enable having working hours defined - once you’ve checked that, you can specify the hours for each time slot below.

Specify working hours

Use this to specify the working hours, and define how many hours make up a work day (this will be used to convert between hours booked and days of allowance used when booking hourly). You can either use the default work day length, based on the actual hours specified, or override that and define the number of hours in a work day manually.

Setting this up is a requirement before you can enable hourly booking (instead of the default half day increments).

If you have any further questions, feel free to write us at

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